Cheap Travel to NYC from Toronto with Megabus

Brooklyn Bridge, NYC ~ Vacation #5 of 2011

Who wants cheap travel??? ME ME ME! Ok, so this is basically what happened. I was bored at 1:30 a.m. one night a few weeks ago, and I was looking online for places I could travel from Toronto by bus to. WIth all this flying I have been doing this year, it amazes me that I can also travel by bus and for cheap! My sister said, ” Oh great Elaine, now you’re going to become a bus girl.” LOL ….. I just like looking for new out of the box ways to travel and for cheap!

I found a bus ticket return to New York City from Toronto for $71.50 with Megabus For those of you who have been following, New York City was my 5th vacation of this year in my project of living on a Permanent Vacation with three weeks work, and one week off. OMG, are you serious??? $71.50???? LOL I’m sold! So I booked and NYC here I come!!!

Please watch my video below!
